Author Guidelines

Aristotelica is a double-blind peer reviewed journal. Please follow the formal guidelines.

Papers should be submitted in double format file (doc and pdf) at and together with 5 Keywords and an English Abstract, with no indication of the author’s identity. Personal data, affiliation and email address should be sent in a different file. English Abstracts should be reviewed by a native speaker.

When quoting Aristotle’s words, as with any other ancient work, authors must be responsible for the punctuation and translations they adopt, even if they take these over from other sources. In addition, quotations must be referenced precisely, with exact citations of the lines in critical editions of the Greek text, which should be listed in the bibliography.

  • Font: Times or Times New Roman (12 pt in the text, 10 pt in the footnotes).
  • Non-Latin characters in Unicode only.
  • Please align the entire text to the left, headings and subheads included.
  • Do not use hyphenation.
  • Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page and should be created using the word processing program only.
  • Do not use spaces to indent text; if necessary, please use tab stops instead.
  • Use a hyphen (-) to divide words or to combine them, without any previous or following space.
  • Use a long dash ( – ) within sentences, with a space before and after.
  • If necessary, use italics or single quotation marks (‘’) in order to emphasize words. Do not use bold and small caps.
  • Use double quotation marks (“”) for short quotations.
  • Longer direct quotations should be set off from the main text by adding a blank line above and below, without quotation marks, and in a smaller size font (10 pt).
  • Quotations in footnotes should use the author-date citation style. Abbreviations should follow the quotation in parentheses and should be formatted according to the style of the scholarly community they originate from (please provide a suitable statement at the beginning of the paper).
  • The abbreviations sg., sgg.; f., ff.; s., ss.; sq., sqq. (according to the language of the paper) may be used. A citation which is repeated exactly can be abbreviated with ‘ibid.’. Please avoid ‘cit.’, ‘op. cit.’ and the like.
  • Footnotes should be set for continuous numbering. Footnote numbers in the text should be placed after punctuation. If they refer to a single word, they can be placed directly after it. Each footnote should end with a period.
  • Citations within the paper should consist solely of the author’s surname, the publication year and the page range; e.g.: Vlastos (1967) pp. 459-60; or, when quoted within brackets: (Vlastos 1967, pp. 459-60).


  • Full references should be given as a list at the end of each article (final bibliography).
  • Titles should be capitalized according to the rules of the relevant language.
  • Capitalize English titles in APA/MLA style.
  • Multiple works by the same author should be arranged by year, adding a lowercase letter for works of the same year (Vlastos 1967a, Vlastos 1967b).
  • The author’s name should be repeated for each entry. When repeating the same author’s name, Id./Ead. can be used.
  • Lists of references should be given as a final bibliography; see the following examples and, for further information, the Harvard Style guidelines (

Book Referencing Example:
Mitchell, J.A. and Thomson, M. (2017) A Guide to Citation. 3rd edn. London: London Publishings.

Edited Book Examples:
William, S.T. (ed.) (2015) Referencing: A Guide to Citation Rules. New York: My Publisher.

Troy, B.N. (2015) ‘Harvard Citation Rules’ in Williams, S.T. (ed.) A Guide to Citation Rules. New York: NY Publishers, pp. 34-89.

E-Book Example:
Mitchell, J.A., Thomson, M. and Coyne, R.P. (2017) A Guide to Citation Rules. E-book library [online]. Available at: (Accessed: 10 September 2016)

Journal Article Example:
Mitchell, J.A. ‘How Citation Changed the Research World’, The Mendeley, 62 (9), pp. 70-81.